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The Hubble Studio

Michelangelo | Detoxing Body Cleanser

Michelangelo - Detoxify Your Body

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    Michelangelo: The Eternal Flame of The Renaissance

    Michelangelo Buonarroti, a Renaissance man of many talents, came from Caprese, Tuscany, Italy. He was born on March 6, 1475. Michelangelo's artistic genius spanned many fields such as sculpture, painting, architecture and poetry. His muscular and dynamic figures left an indelible mark on the field of art. 

    Passionate Sculptures:

    Michelangelo's most famous sculptures include the iconic David and the emotionally charged The Last Judgment. His dedication to the human form and pursuit of perfection make his work timelss. The innovative decoration of the Sistine Chapel ceiling, with scenes from the Creation, demonstrates his exceptional skill and devotion to his art.


    Herbal, Woody




    Purified Water, Organic Eucalyptus Oil, Organic Aloe Vera, Sea Salt, Organic Calendula Oil, Organic Jojoba Oil, Organic Avocado Oil, Organic Honey Powder, Fragrance, Potassium Sorbate & Sodium Benzoate (*derived from coconut oil), Ginger (Zingiber officinalis), Petitgrain (Citrus aurantium amara fol), Eucalyptus Smithii (Eucalyptus smithii)

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    Michelangelo | Detoxing Body Cleanser
    Michelangelo | Detoxing Body Cleanser
    Michelangelo | Detoxing Body Cleanser
    Michelangelo | Detoxing Body Cleanser

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